We have now restructured our waitlist. Instead of holding 6 spots per litter for a specific fur-couple, we are going to have one list (for each Goldendoodle & Labradoodle). It will be a first come/first serve basis for litters. Each litter (as they come) will pull from the waitlist in order. If (at your turn) you choose to wait for a next litter (for a higher pick spot), you may do so and we’ll go to the next person in line.
Currently, we have 9 people on our Goldendoodle waitlist and average around 7 puppies per litter. Of course, we cannot guarantee how many puppies they will have and often hold the first pick for breeding purposes.
Our anticipated Goldendoodle litters over the next year are (all are mini multi-generational and are expected to be between 25 – 35 lbs):
May 2018 – Liberty & Billy (3rd pairing together – pups to go home in early July)
August 2018 – Aspyn & Norman (1st pairing – pups to go home in Oct)
September 2018 – Kyra & Billy (1st pairing – pups to go home Nov)
November 2018 – Liberty & Billy (4th and final pairing together – pups to go home in Jan)
Feb/Mar 2019 – Aspyn & Norman (2nd pairing – pups to go home Apr/May)
Mar/Apr 2019 - Kyra & Billy (2nd pairing – pups to go home May/June)
Around September 2019 – Aspyn & Norman (3rd pairing – pups to go home around Nov)
Around October 2019 - Kyra & Billy (3rd pairing pups to go home around Dec)
Our anticipated Labradoodle litters over the next year are for Stella & Lincoln (for med/large F1b Labradoodles that are e expected to mature between 50-60 lbs):
April 2018 – she delivered 2 adorable pups on April 3, to go to their fur-homes the first week in June!! – a girl and a boy. These are AVAILABLE! (we did not advertise, pictures attached)
October 2018 – pups to go home in Dec
April/May 2019 – pups to go home June/July
Oct/Nov 2019 – pups to go home Dec/Jan
If either of these waitlists interest you, please let us know (email is best!). ~ Thank you!