Lumin & Fitz

Lumin & Fitz welcomed their second litter of miniature Goldendoodles on October 2, 2022

This is our "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" litter, they are - Jake, Rosa, Gina, Amy & Terry

Rosie & Fitz

Rosie & Fitz welcomed their third litter of mini Goldendoodles on August 21, 2022

This is our "Peanuts Gang" litter, they are - Charlie, Sally, Linus, Lucy & Snoopy!

Maizie & Norman

Maizie & Norman welcomed their third litter of Double Doodles on July 5, 2022

This is our "Beverly Hills 90210" litter, they are - Brandon, Brenda, Steve, Donna, David, Andrea, Dylan & Kelly

Janey & Bailey

Janey & Bailey welcomed their first litter of Goldendoodles on June 6, 2022

This is our "Breakfast Club" litter, they are - Andy, Brian, Claire, Bender, Allison & Vernon

Willow & Quincy

Willow & Quincy welcomed their second litter of Goldendoodles on May 9, 2022

This is our "Ozark" litter, they are - Marty, Wendy, Charlotte, Jonah, Wyatt, Darlene & Ruth!

Maizy Mae & Fitz

Maizy Mae & Fitz welcomed their third litter of miniature Goldendoodles on May 9, 2022

This is our "Lady & the Tramp" litter, they are - Lady, “T”, Trusty & Jock

Lumin & Fitz

Lumin & Fitz welcomed their first litter of miniature Goldendoodles on March 7, 2022

This is our "Facts of Life" litter, they are - Natalie, Tootie, Jo(e), Blair & George